About this blog

1 June 2023

I have been contemplating starting a blog for a few years now. However, up until now I did not really have a clear idea of what type of content I wanted to create, or what I thought others would find interesting enough to put out into the world. We live in an era of some really excellent content creators with the internet exploding with vast amounts of data. This to me makes it difficult to determine if my own content would benefit anyone.

My introverted personality certainly did not help the thought process to create something interesting and exciting to build out. One day I stumbled onto one of the Troy Hunt talks, called -Hack your Career- (thanks Troy) about the subject of blogs and the reasons he started one. This resonated closely with me and is ultimately the reason why I eventually pulled my thoughts together and started this project.

It is a place where I wanted to record information that was interesting to me at the time, as well as a store of information where I can reference certain thoughts and information for when I need it. I am constantly working on different projects, fields of study and numerous technologies and frameworks. This blog is an easy place of reference for information about these.

It is important to keep in mind that **I am not an expert** on any of these blog entries. It is an attempt for me to understand the specific subject better and write down a few notes about it. I am always studying and consider myself a constant student of Computer Science.

Should you find an incorrect piece of information or any other type of error, please feel free to let me know and I will attempt to correct as soon as possible as well as credit will be given to the contributor.

Any suggestions and feedback welcome :)

(I listened to Dinosaur Jr. while writing this post.)

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